Saturday, December 15, 2012

Voluntary Deposit

What is a Voluntary Deposit?

A.  General Provisions:

-       Depositor need not be the owner of the thing deposited, in fact the depositary cannot dispute the title of the depositor to the thing deposited.

-       When there are several persons claiming the thing deposited, they may deposit it to a 3rd person who assumes the obligation to deliver it to the one whom it belongs

-       The action to compel the depositors to settle their conflicting claims is an interpleader.

-       A contract of deposit may be entered into orally or in writing

Depositary  - capacitated
Depositor  -  incapacitated
Depositary  -  incapacitated
Depositor  -  capacitated
Depositary is subject to ALL the obligations of a depositary

Depositary does not incur the obligations of a depositary
Depositary must return the property either to:

a)  the legal representative of the incapacitated, OR

b)  the depositor himself if he should acquire capacity
Depositary, however is liable to:

a)  return the thing deposited while still in his possession; AND

b)  pay the depositor the amount by which he may have benefited himself with the thing or its price subject to the right of any 3rd person who acquires the thing in good faith

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