Saturday, December 15, 2012

Obligations of Depositor

What are the Obligations of the Depositor?

1.   obligation to pay expenses of preservation

a.   deposit is gratuitous  -  obliged to reimburse a depositary for expenses of preservation whether ordinary or extraordinary

b.   deposit for compensation  -  depositary bears the expenses of preservation because they are deemed included in the compensation

2.   obligation to pay losses suffered due to the character  of the thing deposited,


a.   depositor was not aware or was not expected to know the dangerous character of the thing;

b.   depositor notified the depositary of the dangerous character;

c.    depositary was aware of the dangerous character without advice from the depositor;

Other Matters Concerning a Depositor

1.   Depositary has a right to retain the thing in pledge until full payment of what may be due him by reason of the deposit

2.   A deposit is extinguished:

a.   upon the loss or deterioration of the thing deposited;

b.   upon the death of the depositary, ONLY in gratuitous deposits;

c.    other provisions in the Civil Code (novation, merger, etc.)

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